January is Divorce Month

January is Divorce Month

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January is Divorce MonthThe first month of the new year is reportedly the most popular time of year to file for divorce. A rumor that January is divorce month is ominously nicknamed “Divorce Month” in legal circles. Sure, the holidays are hectic, and relationship issues can come into sharper focus when stressed-out couples spend more time together. But is January’s bad rap really deserved?

For better or worse, the numbers suggest that “Divorce Month” is real. According to statistics published by eDivorcePapers.com, January has the most legal breakups.

Certified divorce consultant Cathy Meyer agrees: “Absolutely. January consistently sees the most divorce filings. It just really amazes me, though it probably shouldn’t. January is divorce month for me. My own husband left in January.”

January is Divorce Month. Why?

  • Some say that couples have reached a decision to divorce prior to the holidays, but they want to give the children one last happy holiday.
  • They want to enjoy family and friends one last time before filing for divorce.
  • Some divorce from the stress of the holiday shopping, and getting together with relatives, and the constant being together as a couple. If there were problems before, the holidays can be a constant irritant.
  • Some see the year-end as a time of reflections and resolutions. “Unhappy spouses assess their situation and say to themselves, ‘I just can’t take another year like this.”

And that leads to the major reason to sell the home.

Many couples, once they have reached the decision to divorce, want to sell the house fast and start a new life.

Many people, when confronted with the prospect of divorce, want to know how they will maintain their standard of living. Who gets the house? How can we sell the house fast?

Generally, the Court will divide the property and debts of the marriage on a 50-50% basis. The Court can give more than 50% to one spouse if the Court has good reason to do this.

If there is child custody involved. I would guess the courts put more emphasis on keeping a parent and children in the house when it comes to settlement.

If you are going through a divorce, JT Integrity Properties is here to help.  As investors, we can help homeowners out of just about any situation, no matter what! There are no fees, up-front costs, commissions, or anything else.  Just the simple honest truth about your home and how we can help you sell it fast to resolve any situation.

JT Integrity Properties is here to help homeowners out of any kind of distressed situation.  

As investors, we are in business to make a modest profit on any deal, however, we can help homeowners out of just about any situation, no matter what!  There are no fees, upfront costs, commissions, or anything else.  Just the simple honest truth about your home and how we can help you sell it fast to resolve any situation.

Give us a call today at 260-202-2222 to let us know what YOU need help with!

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