Shoveling Snow in Ft Wayne

Shoveling Snow in Ft Wayne

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Shoveling Snow in Ft WayneAre you getting your home ready for winter weather? We wrote a blog post about winterizing your house titled Time for Winterization. Even after sealing windows, replacing furnace filters and protecting your water heater, there is still one chore that you must add to the list: shoveling snow in Ft Wayne.

Shoveling snow in Ft Wayne can be back breaking work. Even more frustrating, is that more snow can pile up hours after you have already shoveled your driveway and sidewalks. This makes shoveling snow a very unpopular household chore. It is also a very important household chore, because in many cases, shoveling your snow is not optional. Skipping the snow shoveling can cost you, and it’s better to spend a couple hours getting it addressed before it can become a bigger issue. It’s time to break out the shovels and snow blowers. Either that or be prepared to fork out some cash to the helpful kids in your neighborhood. Here are some ways not shoveling snow in Anchorage can cost you.

Fines for not Shoveling Snow in Ft Wayne

A Fort Wayne ordinance requires people responsible for a property to have the sidewalk cleared from ice and snow by 9 a.m. and keep it clean throughout the day. Violators can face a daily fine of up to $2,500


Property owners can face lawsuits and have a legal obligation to keep their sidewalks and walkways free of ice and snow. If someone trips and falls on your property or sidewalk, you can potentially face a lawsuit. In Ft Wayne another reason to clear your property of snow and ice is to avoid become a defendant in a “slip-and-fall” personal injury lawsuit.  A landowner generally has the responsibility to warn guests about any unexpected defects on their property.

Be prepared this winter season and be sure to follow safe shoveling practices. Start slowly, stay hydrated and dress in warm layers, but make sure you do whatever you must do to get the job done to protect your family and your wallet this year.

Ft Wayne Weather

Better get ready. Shoveling snow in Ft Wayne is coming. The weather service is looking for snow showers coming, and temperatures in the low twenties.

JT Integrity Properties is here to help homeowners out of any kind of distressed situation.  As investors, we are in business to make a modest profit on any deal, however we can help homeowners out of just about any situation, no matter what!  There are no fees, upfront costs, commissions, or anything else.  Just the simple honest truth about your home and how we can help you sell it fast to resolve any situation.

Give us a call today at 260-202-2222 to let us know what YOU need help with!

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