Spring Cleaning in Fort Wayne

Spring Cleaning in Fort Wayne

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Spring Cleaning in Fort WayneHard to believe after another shot of winter this weekend that it’s almost spring. It’s not only time for the pop of crocuses, but spring cleaning in Fort Wayne. We want to take a few minutes to get you ready for Spring Cleaning with these ten Spring Cleaning Tips. Some of our suggestions make your house look better, and some protect your house and are considered good maintenance.

  1. Organize the closets. It’s an inside activity on those still rainy days. Remove the winter clothes, keep them and make sure they are clean and in good condition or discard them. Charities or consignment shops are great places for your discards.
  2. Premeditated Leftovers has a number of suggestions. Clean your medicine cabinet. Search for pills that have expired. If they are prescription medications remove the label and destroy it, then you can either crush the pills and place them in a bag with soil, cat litter, coffee grounds, or wet newspaper and tie it up or find a pharmacy that accepts medicines and will properly dispose of them for you. Don’t flush them away. Some of those pills can still make it through sewage treatment and into the environment.
  3. One of our authorities is House Beautiful. Their first recommendation is to clean and polish stainless steel. Never use anything on stainless that is even slightly abrasive. They suggest using a light mist of a wax-based aerosol then wiping off any excess with a soft cloth.
  4. The Apron Blog suggests something for clogged drains that I swear by. It’s theZip-It drain cleaner, which is a long plastic piece that you work down into your drain and then pull up the material clogging the drain. What comes up is usually not a pretty sight, but it works every time and only takes a few seconds to do one drain. I love that I don’t have to worry about using chemicals that may harm the environment.
  5. Look at your pillows. If they are yellow they need a bath. If you fold them in half and they stay folded, it’s time to send them to pillow heaven. You can machine wash synthetic pillows. Wash them two at a time. Soak your pillows with 1 cup bleach for 30 minutes before washing to help whiten and disinfect your pillows. Dry in the dryer with tennis balls to keep them from bunching up. Down filled pillows require special care. They may be washed by hand and air dried.
  6. Clean painted walls or re-paint. When cleaning painted walls start with a soft cloth and water and then advance to the mildest solution of water and dish washer soap. The same thing applies to woodwork and germy doorknobs.
  7. Now that you won’t be needing the furnace as much, check the filters and clean them if needed. If you have air conditioning make sure the condenser air vents are clean
  8. Spring is the time to look outside rather than be hunkered down. That means the time has come to wash the windows inside and out. Even take off the storm windows. You will marvel at the amount of light that is allowed in. If you were to put your house up for sale, dirty windows will be noticed immediately and is a no-no.
  9. Inspect the outside of your house. Start with the roof. Did you lose any part of the roof or shingles during the winter? Fix any broken windows. Are the gutters firmly attached to the house? Test the downspouts with a hose. Do the downspouts work or are the gutters clogged? Does the water flow away from the house?
  10. Now when the sun comes out, try some TLC outside by weeding, mulching, and adding some flowers to the beds. The trees may need some pruning after the winter storms. It’s all part of being a homeowner. Good maintenance and preventive maintenance preserve the value of your largest asset.

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